Picks helps you discover and capture the stories you really care about, and because all stories in Picks are handpicked and curated by your friends, you’ll find something worth reading in just seconds. Picks works just like an RSS reader, but for the stories and news your friends are reading and saving for later. You can always read your best picks later when you have the time, even when you're offline.
- Save the best stories for later and keep everything you save in one place
- Offline reading for all stories you’ve saved
- Discover what stories your friends are reading
- Follow interesting people to find even more great stories to read
- Add tags to organize your stories
To get started, just login with your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ account and select a few friends to follow to start seeing the news stories they’re picking and reading.
- 保存以供日后最好的故事,并保留一切你在一个地方保存
- 离线阅读您保存所有的故事
- 发现你的朋友正在阅读什么样的故事
- 按照有趣的人找到更伟大的故事阅读
- 添加标签来组织你的故事